Why testicles can hurt in men and how to treat it

testicular pain from excitement

The health of the organs of the male reproductive system depends on many factors. Deviations in their function can be caused not only by internal disturbances, but also by mechanical damage. The most vulnerable testicles are the paired glands that produce male hormones and sperm. When injured, the ability to produce these substances decreases, which affects not only sexual ability and fertility, but also the general state of health.

Main functions of the testicles

The testicles, also called testicles or testicles, are the glands of the male sex. Each of them is located in the scrotum - its right and left part. The testicles are connected to the spermatic cords, which are made up of muscles, nerves, lymphatics and blood vessels. The right testicle is slightly taller than the left.

The testicles are made of soft tissue, separated by a thin connecting septum into strange lobes. The seminal vesicles are located in them, where the production of sperm takes place and between them the process of production of the hormone testosterone takes place.

The continuous formation of male germ cells enables the process of fertilization of the egg. Testosterone production in the testicles is also very important for men's health, because this hormone is responsible for the growth of the body and muscles, the growth of the body as a whole according to the male type and the formation of sexual desire.

When the testicles are damaged for any reason, the ability to produce hormones and sex cells is reduced. This can happen at any age. To avoid complications, you should consult a doctor immediately if you feel pain in the testicles.

Why do my testicles hurt?

The causes of testicular pain in men are numerous. They can also be relatively harmless, associated with defective ejaculation after stimulation and dangerous, as they are a consequence of the development of malignant tumors or trauma to the external genitalia.

The reasons why the testicles hurt are the following:

  • Injury to the perineum or scrotum. If the blow or bruise was not very severe, the pain in the testicle is acute, but passes fairly quickly. At the same time, even a slight mechanical impact contributes to bleeding in the scrotum cavity, due to which its skin reddens and thickens. Such phenomena pass in a few days. With a serious injury, the integrity of the testicles is violated. The pain in this case is so intense and painful that the victim may lose consciousness. A serious injury can lead to the gonad completely losing its function - in the future this is fraught with infertility.
  • Inflammatory processes that occur in the testicles or their appendages. This can be epididymitis caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the epididymis. In this case, the patient complains not only of pain, but also that the testicles are swollen. Also, the pathological process can occur as a result of inflammation of the glandular tissue. This phenomenon is called orchitis. This disease, which is a complication of the flu, gonorrhea and others, can affect one or both testicles at the same time and cause infertility. With orchitis, the skin of the testicles becomes red, the scrotum swells, the man has a fever, there is general weakness and constant thirst.
  • Abstention. In this case, testicular traction pain in men occurs due to the fact that when stimulated, the penis fills with blood and activates the pore system - all this indicates a readiness for ejaculation. If this does not happen, unpleasant sensations appear in the testicles. Unlike cases where the pain is caused by pathological processes, testicular discomfort during prolonged abstinence is not accompanied by general weakness, loss of appetite, dizziness and changes in urine color. This problem does not require treatment, it can be solved either through sexual intercourse or through masturbation. Another way to eliminate the discomfort is to take a painkiller tablet.
  • Frequent interruption of sexual intercourse or lack of ejaculation after prolonged arousal, neurological pathologies and inflammatory diseases of the digestive system - all these factors can explain why the testicles hurt after sex.
  • Varicose veins are a pathological dilation of the veins and vessels of the penis due to their insufficiency. This disease is often treated by adolescents in adolescence. If the testicle hurts for this very reason, then the disease is at an advanced stage and it is fraught with amputation of the organ. The varicose vein is also accompanied by an increase in the size of one half of the scrotum.
  • Inguinal hernia. With the violation, acute pain is observed, a specific protrusion in the groin, which increases with physical effort and takes the previous shape after taking a horizontal position. If the contents of the hernia are not violated, there is a dull pain that radiates to the abdomen, to the side, to the area of the lower limb.
  • Hydrocele, or hydrocele. This phenomenon is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the testicles, which is associated with circulatory disorders. The disease can be inherited or appear with inflammatory pathologies, the growth of tumors, after injuries of the external genitalia. If the testicle is enlarged, then the presence of a hydrocele may be suspected. Another characteristic symptom of this pathology is an acute pain that occurs when you touch the testicles.
  • Testicular torsion. This phenomenon usually occurs in boys aged 7-10 years and is characterized by twisting of the spermatic cord, which leads to obstruction of local blood flow and compression of the pore. The pain in this case occurs only in one of the testicles. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by walking or pressing on the affected area. There may be redness of the scrotum and an increase in one of its sides, as well as a burning sensation. Such a deviation is corrected either by external repositioning of the testicle or by surgical methods.
  • The development of a malignant tumor. The pathological process can spread to both the glandular tissue and the secretory pores. In this case, the testicles in men only hurt when the tumor has become large.
  • Inflammation of the prostate. If the testicles ache during prostatitis, then this is one of the main symptoms of the disease.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs cause lower abdominal pain in men and testicles.
  • Hypothermia. The consequence of exposure to low temperatures can be testicular pain in men. In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature.

If a man notices pain in the testicles, as well as external changes - increase in size, redness, swelling - you should immediately consult a doctor to identify the cause of the pathological manifestations as soon as possible and begin appropriate treatment.

Characteristics of pain

In the process of diagnosis, the nature of the pain that appears in the testicular area is of great importance. Depending on where it radiates, preliminary conclusions can be drawn about the nature of the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

  1. If the pain radiates to the lumbar region or the abdomen, there is a suspicion of the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in the epididymis.
  2. If the pain radiates to the side, urolithiasis or inguinal hernia may occur.
  3. When the pain radiates to the lower extremity, there is a suspicion of twisting of the spermatic cord or bruising of the testicle, followed by bleeding in it.

If the testicles are red and they feel pain and discomfort, it is urgent to undergo diagnostic measures as prescribed by the doctor. Delay in this case can lead to infertility, as the ejaculation will not contain motile sperm, reduced power or penile amputation.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis of cases where the testicle hurts and pulls is made by a urologist and andrologist. A man should do the following activities:

  • A general blood test, thanks to which a specialist can detect the inflammatory process.
  • Sperm analysis for infections to determine the presence and type of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Sperm analysis, which allows you to evaluate sperm activity and detect bacteria.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum, which allows you to detect tumor neoplasms.
  • Obtaining a smear from the urethra to detect pathogens.
  • Puncture (puncture biopsy) to determine the nature of diseases of the testicles, appendages.
  • Palpation to detect tumors or enlargement of the testicles.
  • Kidney and ureter ultrasound to detect formations that block the flow of urine.
  • CT and MRI to rule out misdiagnosis.

Prior to performing diagnostic measures, the patient is not recommended to take painkillers, perform heating or cooling procedures.

Treatment methods

The treatment of testicular pain depends on the cause that caused the discomfort. Treatment may be based on medication, special procedures or surgery.

Table 1. Methods for treating testicular pain

Cause Treatment
Mild bruise of the vulva
  1. Adherence to a half-bed rest for several days.
  2. Apply a bandage to the damaged area to prevent blood stasis, to reduce the intensity and severity of the pain.
  3. Pain relief - both local in the form of cold compresses and general, which includes taking medication.
  4. The use of drugs to prevent hematoma formation.
  5. Magnetotherapy and frugal thermal procedures after an acute period.
Infectious diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organs of the scrotum
  1. Gentle operation.
  2. Taking antibacterial drugs to eliminate harmful microflora.
  3. Eliminate inflammation by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Physiotherapy after recovery.
  1. Conservative treatment in the initial stage, which includes taking drugs to improve blood circulation in the affected area, as well as vitamins C, E, PP.
  2. Surgical methods of treatment, in particular - an operation to block the veins of the scrotum and harden them. After surgery, the chance of recurrence decreases.
  3. Denial of bad habits, weight loss.
Volume Removal of the tumor with radiotherapy or removal of the affected organ with surgery. If metastases are detected, chemotherapy is required.
Testicular torsion Excision of the scrotum, assessment of the viability of the testicle and subsequent erection or removal. The use of painkillers is indicated in the postoperative period.
Extensive hematomas Drainage of affected areas, removal of unsustainable tissues and suturing of gaps.

The use of folk remedies to eliminate scrotum pain is not recommended, as such a disturbing symptom requires careful diagnosis. However, there are some steps you can take while waiting for your doctor to help alleviate the discomfort caused by a small bump or bruise. At home, you can apply an ice pack to the wound side or do a light massage using an anesthetic cream, but it is best not to touch the affected area until you have contacted a specialist.

To prevent pain in an organ as vulnerable as the testicles, you should:

  • Early elimination of abnormalities in the structure of the genitals.
  • They undergo regular examinations by a urologist to identify pathologies that are asymptomatic in the early stages of development.
  • Have a regular sex life and use barrier contraceptives if your partner is unstable.
  • Wear underwear that does not compress the organs and does not interfere with blood circulation.
  • Normalization of drink and diet.
  • Avoid the possibility of a traumatic effect on the scrotum.

The condition of the testicles directly affects not only a man's reproductive abilities, but also his general state of health. In order to avoid side effects, it is necessary to minimize the risk of external factors affecting the testicles, as well as the timely treatment of existing diseases that can adversely affect their condition.